Your employees may be all over the map, but your corporate culture doesn't have to be

Throughout history, groups within physical proximity of one another have developed a mutual personality and code resulting in a shared culture. With technology that's changing. 

Over the last decade, there's been a trend toward remote work. Often, those individuals physically outside of the core group are also outside of the culture.

With the recent shift in workforce management, building and maintaining corporate culture has become paramount. Here are some ideas to help maintain the healthy balance all workplaces should enjoy.

Creating a cohesive corporate culture fosters productivity — and productivity drives profitability.

At its core, work culture is what you make of it. It is the environment you create and cultivate for your employees. It is the tie that binds the organization together. It is something you need to actively promote or it will take on a life of its own. 

Good work culture is more than a slogan or mission statement. It is what inspires employees to work in common purpose. Using technology to foster this shared purpose becomes imperative as more and more we find our workforce scattered.

You also learn:

  • 8 Process Changes You'll Need to Make to Instill a Healthy Remote Culture

  • The Influence a Good Culture Has On a Company's Bottom Line


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